Sunday, December 14, 2008

Get Your Game Face On!

I hope you have all got your GAME FACES on and have started the summer reading challenge!
You can use this blog to complete one of your WEB CHALLENGES and to talk about your favourite books, sports and challenges, and vote in the surveys to make sure your favourites win.
Keep checking back for new updates and to see if any of your ACTIVITY CHALLENGES get displayed!


2_KOOL_4_U said...

I am finding the challenge really fun but I don't really know what to do when I've finished an activity. Do I just tick it off and carry on?

Get Your Game Face On said...

Hi Che-Doris

When you finish an activity, tick it off and then carry on. At your bronze check in be sure to take all your activity work with you and show it to the librarian.

samantha said...

On the book challenges theres that one about BookFlix. When i go on to BookFlix it tells me to log on but i dont have a username at all. Do I just have to leave it?

Get Your Game Face On said...

Hi Samantha,

What you need to use is the barcode number on the back of your library card - its the same way you log in to the library catalogue.
Type the barcode number thats on the back of your library card in the top box and your pin number for your library card in the bottom box.
If you have any trouble please go in to your local library and ask them to show you how to put a pin number on your library card - or get them to show you on the library computers how to sign in to bookflix.
Good luck :)